My faith has brought me to a no-vote this year

I have studied over the past so many months regarding our political system and how I, as a Disciple of Christ, should respond. 

I have found many Christians being somewhat deceived into thinking that a national regeneration will come if we simply get more people registered to vote, elect the right candidate into the office of president or into other roles to pass legislation in line with our so-called “Judeo-Christian heritage.”

Political activism among “Christians” is viewed as this critical juncture for the future of our country.  I have heard that a vote for anyone else but McCain is a vote for Obama.  Yes, in a way that is true according to how our human made 2 party system works.  The way I see it is for a true Disciple of Christ to place any hope in political systems is just plain immature, and I feel just brings a strong disillusion.  As Disciples for Him and for Him only, our confidence must not rest in such human devices, but in the power of the gospel to transform hearts anywhere and anytime.  

Politics inherently involves coercion.  The gospel is spread only by our influence and our witness.  All too often, however, I see the institutional church using political coercion to enable itself.  I do not like having the term Evangelical Christian being used as a political tool.  We are called to be “holy” or separated from the world.  So why do we keep acting as such?

There are two opposing voices I hear calling me to action at this point in time.

The first voice I hear is Satan tempting me to redirect my energy and time to reclaim a nation with something less than the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The other is that of the Christ calling me as His Church to focus my resources to attempt to build communities of biblical faith as testimonies to the world of a better way through Christ.  

Here are some challenging words I found from Larry Crabb:

“In Christian circles, optimism typically is built on the idea that God’s central purpose is to bless us with the kind of life we want or to transform culture into a friendlier environment for Christians . . . Christian leaders tell us that our prayers, activism, and united influence will turn our nation around and usher in a godly society. [They] may be guilty of distracting us from the real call of God. It is our individual lives and our Christian communities that must turn around. We must learn to continue serving Christ when problems come and to draw closer to Christ in the middle of unrelieved suffering. Whatever influence we have on culture must be the product of a deep passion for God, a passion that makes us into attractively different people and keeps us struggling together in community that is imperfectly but genuinely loving.

Social crusading is so much easier than finding God.  Fighting for Christian standards sometimes seems to involve a belligerence that compromises humility, or an aggression that masquerades as courage … Neither social crusading nor solving our problems stirs the kind of self-awareness that lets us know that the real problem is within ourselves … The’ great need of our day will not be met by training more counselors. It will not be met by leaders calling us to join the fight against moral pollution, in our society … [We need] communities of people who care about outsiders and draw those outside into something they’ve never known but have always wanted. Communities of people whose passion for Christ is stronger than their grudges, their competition for recognition, and their jealous feelings… [Who] are so consumed with knowing Christ better that they hang in there through the messiness of community and never give up on themselves or others, because they know that Christ hasn’t given up — and never will.”

I pray that Christians would unite for what matters…CHRIST!

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9 Comments on “My faith has brought me to a no-vote this year”

  1. pacer521 Says:

    I really don’t understand why you won’t vote. Come on!

    The Importance Of The Final Presidential Debate

  2. bswan Says:

    Pacer – I would vote if I had a candidate that would put Christ first in everything he or she does. I just do not have anyone that matters this time around.

    I am going to focus my energies on advancing the Kingdom as Christ intended, not have government try to do it for me.

  3. darla Says:

    I am focusing my energies on advancing the Kingdom as well. The problem I see is a world living under the curse (Gen), and trying to stop the inevitable… We have become a stiff necked nation, all about money and profit, although I pray for HIS mercy on us, I believe we are headed into a purification time, and the good news is…we are getting closer to HIS return…when HE returns I want to be about HIS work, and not picketing something.

  4. Brian Says:


    I really like what James says… Consider it PURE JOY when we face trials of many kinds. I feel a trial coming on strong and I am ready to stand strong for Christ. I am glad there are others ready to stand with me. I know you are ready from what I read online.

    Your Brother in Christ,


  5. Vote for choice says: Says:

    Perhaps you might consider voting a 3rd party. The Constitution Party candidate for US President, Chuck Baldwin, is a pastor and bases his platform upon his belief in scriptural ideals and constitutional government. Just wanted to let you know that you do have a choice and voting is exercising this choice. There are other choices, but the mainstream media does not make these apparent, because they manipulate and hide the choices so that people who don’t look further than the TV don’t know about them.

  6. bswan Says:

    I have looked into Chuck Baldwin, not a bad choice for 3rd Party, if you feel you HAVE to vote. Nowhere in Scripture does it say we have to vote.

    The whole point I am trying to make is to not focus my energy on government politics, and to get out there and be the Church Christ intended. We need to get out and help others, not have the government do it for us.

    I am sure Chuck has good intentions, but do you really think He can take on a corrupt political institution? I think he would be better served advancing the Kingdom by growing the Church and uniting people for Christ. He is not going to do that in politics.

    I feel all he is doing is gathering up a bunch of believers into a false sense of hope. This is just my opinion. If you vote for a 3rd party, that is your right to do so, and I do not feel you are doing wrong. If your heart is in politics, so be it. Mine is not.

    In Christ,


  7. darla Says:

    Brian, praying for you..if God has given you a flag to get ready I am glad you are heeding it. I have had those too, but you may be the first one that agreed that it happens…just like a tornado warning…we are foolish to not take cover in HIM. Love ya bro!

  8. darla Says:

    Hey Brian, hope you are having a good Sunday, full of rest and family…hoping you will soon put up a new post…but maybe the other is soon ready to fly… finding good things to read is even getting hard on here…


  9. bswan Says:

    Thanks for checking in… I posted today what was on my mind. Been busy with family. I love being with them.

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